Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Storytime at the Library

Little Man and I spent this morning at "Mommy's Work", and went to StoryTime! I played with some editing software this time around, and I kinda LOVE it. Let me know what you think!


  1. Hello there! So nice to meet you. And thanks for leaving a comment on my blog so I could find you. My better half is from Michigan, hence the ornament on our tree. Good job with your editing!...I'm still trying to master this too. But how could you go wrong photographing those baby blues!?! Too cute...

  2. Hi Lisa! Oh MY! He is such a cutie pie. Those eyes & those lashes are to die for! Great job on the editing, it looks great!

  3. How fun - really love the first shot. Thanks so mcuh for stopping by earlier!

  4. I love those eyes! Lovely blog! I'm an unashamed "word nerd". :) We're having a hard time getting Belle to be quiet in the Library, so I've been doing a LOT of Kindle check-outs!
